From cats and dogs to birds and snakes, have you ever wondered what your pet choice reveals about you? Or better yet, what does it reveal about a potential partner?
Scientific American did the work for us, digging through scientific research, polls, and surveys. Before you swipe, scroll down to see what type of pet owner may be the perfect match for you.
The big picture
Scientific American revealed one fact that we all already know: Pet owners are downright more social and empathic than non-pet owners.
This is why pets and pet owners are the secret sauce to love and dating! “Five Reasons Why Animal Lovers Make Better Partners” explains more reasons why you should date a pet owner.
Non-pet owners reported valuing a tidy home more than non-pet owners. For us, a little bit of pet hair here and there just makes a home cozier. Am I right?
In my book “Leashes and Lovers,” it says, “Your dog can send a potent message to others about who you are, what you deem important, and even how you choose to enjoy your spare time.”
Throughout the years of holding dog events and building the FetchaDate app, I’ve noticed a high percentage of people who resemble their dogs. It’s not that they are wearing matching outfits per se, but they are similar in looks, style, personality, and mannerisms. The type of dog they’ve chosen usually speaks to their personality. With some it’s obvious. For others, you need to look a little deeper within.
Masculine men often have large dogs. Women who like to be pampered have small dogs. Outdoorsy people tend to have medium-sized, athletic dogs. The list of stereotypes goes on and on.
Then again, and more realistically, what appears to be an “opposites attract” scenario just may be a case of how your dog portrays aspects of your personality that are not so obvious. Maybe you’re a gruff-looking guy but a softy on the inside, as evidenced by your fluffy Toy Poodle or pampered Yorkshire Terrier or silky Chihuahua.
You’re perfectly comfortable with your dog’s demeanor. Perhaps your refined elegance and business pedigree don’t quite match up with your scruffy-looking Terrier or patchy mutt. You can’t always judge a book by its cover, but the type of dog certainly may reveal who his owner is within or what they aspire to be for their life to be more fulfilled.
Take the story of Tom and Max. When I asked Tom how his small, white, adorable, fluffy dog Max impacted his relationships with other people, he said, “Everybody wants to meet Max more than they want to meet me. He’s very loving; he’s always nice to all the dogs, and I have to make sure they’re nice to him.”
In Tom’s case, Max balanced him out. He selected — possibly subconsciously — a cute, small, outgoing, pleasant dog who doesn’t make waves. His attractive dog gains him attention. But more than that, Max’s outgoing personality speaks in lieu of Tom’s shyness, offering him the opportunity to network with more people than he ever would on his own. Through Max, he instantly and easily became approachable, which diffused the pressure on him to take action in starting a conversation.
Let’s break it down
Dog owners
According to Scientific American, dog owners are typically extroverted, agreeable, and conscientious. They usually own one dog and are most likely to reside in Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, or West Virginia. They might commonly be a professor, nurse, or military professional. The surveys also revealed that most dog owners have adopted their pet from a shelter or rescue, a cause we can always get behind.
I’ve owned several dogs, including Greyhounds; currently have two dogs (Terrier mutt and Dachshund); and don’t live in the states listed above. I have been a professor, but not a nurse, or military professional. I do consider myself extroverted, agreeable, and conscientious. Dogs are social animals, and our behavior often mirrors our pet and their social needs.
Cat owners
Cat owners are more likely to be divorced, widowed, or separated than other pet owners. They have been found to have a neurotic tendency like obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) more so than other pet owners but not as neurotic as rabbit owners. (Read “10 Truths About Being Neurotic.” Spoiler: it’s not all negative.) Some positives are that cat owners are found to be more open to new experiences compared to dog owners, and are less socially dominant.
Bird owners
Bird owners were found to be more socially outgoing and expressive, a perfect mirror of their pet choice. They typically describe themselves as polite and caring, and are more likely to reside in West Coast states.
Cold-blooded exotic pet owners
In general, cold-blooded exotic pet owners are described to be unconventional and novelty-seeking. They describe themselves as more rational and goal-oriented than other pet owners. If they own a snake, they may describe themselves as more relaxed and unpredictable. Female owners of these pets are found to be off the charts and open to new experiences compared to owners of more traditional pets.
Common love
You might be feeling that your description as a pet owner doesn’t fit your life at all. Or, maybe you’re shocked at how closely the description fits you.
Although it’s always fun and enlightening to look at big picture trends, not everyone fits into these descriptions. In fact, one survey taker remarked, “Even my pet rock is part of the family. We don’t discriminate.”
Swipe right and find out for yourself who the parrot or pig owner really is in FetchaDate. No matter who you end up matching with or decide to chat with, at FetchaDate, you already have one great thing in common: You’re both pet lovers.