Fetching dates and new friendships with your dog:
“How your dog can influence your relationships”
The Big Bark dog podcast is Ireland’s Number 1 dog-related podcast. With new episodes each week, Darragh and his trusty sidekick pups Bruno and Milly bring you the latest news from the canine world with the biggest interviews with pet professionals.
This week, we’re thrilled to welcome the author of the best-selling book Leashes and Lovers, Sheryl Matthys, who is also the founder and CEO of FetchaDate. She’s here to chat with us about what dogs can teach you about love and how a human’s best friend can influence your relationships. Let’s chat about how friendships show us that if we live our lives with the personality traits, kindness, and passion that dogs display, we can improve all of our relationships and friendships; make new friends; and for the single dog parents out there, meet that special someone.
Dogs have their own uniqueness that makes them not only be the most lovable pets but also display their love for us on a daily basis. Finally, Sheryl will discuss how Fetchadate can be used to meet people in your area who share the same passion for pets as you do.
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