The Coaching Call goes to the dogs!
Sifu Rafael interviews Sheryl Matthys, founder of FetchaDate, the dating mobile app connecting dog lovers – on his podcast The Coaching Call. Pet lovers can create a free profile in the app where their pet makes their introduction as their WingPet and leaves clues about them.
So whether you keep attracting the wrong person, need to move on from someone, desire to meet someone new, or simply figure out who you are truly looking for – Sheryl, The Pet Lovers Matchmaker walks alongside you in your quest! In addition to the fetchadate app, connecting dog lovers, she coaches pet people on how to find their best match.
Fetch – Match – Date on Fetchadate, connecting dog lovers!
From the moment Sheryl got her 1st Greyhound, and people on the streets of NYC started talking to her – she knew the secret to dating, friendships, and love! The secret sauce is a fellow pet lover. She’s versed to help you ‘fetchadate’ and lead you to ‘fetch love’!
Sheryl’s appeared on ABC NEWS NOW, Animal Planet, E!, FOX News Channel, Sirius-XM, The New York Times, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine, Bravo, Modern Dog Magazine.
Listen above or go here for the podcast.